Art For Everyone

In the summer or 2021, Lansing Street Gallery cautiously emerged from a year of fear, austerity and isolation to explore the pleasure and joy of art again. Wanting to share their passion as the world began to reopen, the gallery occupies a renovated historic space in Kellieowen Hall in downtown Mendocino, formerly the home of the Wilkes Bashford Sport shop and the Mendocino Chocolate Company.

Fittingly, our inaugural exhibit featured Toby Hill’s body of work called “Unveilings.” While discovering winemaking, Toby took a long hiatus from his Fine Art. He has now returned to painting and drawing with newfound urgency to take his most inspiring and conceptual leap back “home” to where his journey began – into his Art.

We are also hopeful as we unveil Lansing Street Gallery for you. 

We are a hub for coastal and Bay Area artists, representing a diverse, vibrant and creative community. Whether you are looking to complete your interior design palette, a traveler interested in taking a bit of California back home with you, or the worldly collector enjoying the thrill of the hunt – we welcome all art enthusiasts seeking their piece.